Ah an office move, the first in my long and distinguished career. This means
the joys of ‘crating up’ your kit and then finding it waiting for you in a shiny,
new office space about 800m away. I’ve gone from the bustling streets of
central Soho to the bustling streets of the Haymarket.
Head in one direction
its Piccadilly Circus and the flocks of tourists eating lunch on Eros, while head in the opposite direction and you enter the supposed-razzmatazz of Leicester Square.
Head in another direction, though, and I’ve found the streets become rather
quieter, with imposing streets that sort of peter out into nothing as they
reach St James Park. This is quite nice really and brings another insight into
the unique landscape that is London.
Wandering the other day I found a
beautiful arcade, the Royal Opera Arcade, with high white arches and little boutique
shops. I snapped a picture, included below.
I also found the hiding place of the Number 22 bus before it begins its
slow, winding journey to Putney Heath. The driver looked a picture of
contentment sat on the back seat of the lower deck, paper in hand and a Pret
cup of tea in another.
So, I’ve now taken in Pimlico, Soho and now have the
Haymarket and its surroundings to explore and work within for who knows how
long. London, what a wonderful city.
Friday 21 February 1661/62
9 hours ago